A Stone’s Throw

Blog writing is some pretty funny business. A business I got into several years ago in order to find a productive and interesting way to improve my writing ability and capture my thoughts and life experiences.  Sadly, I am not the most organized person and writing has fallen to the wayside as my time and energy have been dominated by the regular (or odd) challenges of adult life. In the few years that I’ve shared parts of my life and thoughts here a lot has change - my writing ability not being one of those things.

So why now? Why this post? Well, there a several reasons. The first reason is that I still wish to improve my writing and to better understand how to turn a written phrase. I hope that I’ll be able to write more often about things in general and share my views more openly so that I can connect with a wider audience and perhaps start some dialogue or some sort of a following. I’m not aware of any of my friends who have a blog or even write in a public forum outside of political Facebook rants. Besides being the writer of the group, I also have the desire to write more in other areas that interest me, mainly marketing and psychology. I also want to say that I’m proud of myself for finally learning to spell psychology correctly. I’m sure for some of you spelling comes pretty easy, for this guy it’s a struggle, so any time that I can hit ‘pshycology’ or ‘wierd’ correctly it is a good day.

The second reason is that I’ve got ideas and thoughts that I need to find release for. My current network of friends and family doesn’t always line-up with what might be on my mind. This makes it hard to follow a thought through to completion or to share it with the right person. Frankly, I do not always know who’s interested in what but by posting it in a way that others can find it, maybe I’ll reconnect with some old friends or learn something about you that I didn’t know. Either way, something might happen by writing here.

Since things come in threes I’ll add a final reason. I like to type. Just the act of it is something that I enjoy. The fact that it slows you down just enough to think about what you want to say and how you want to say it. There are the little extras of punctuation and rhythmn that force you to have full engagement in the process. It’s fluid and exciting but at the same time deliberate and a challenge. The cerebral excersice is a nice way to wind down at the end of an evening. Plus it is always satisfying to finish something and see that others have seen it.

Going forward I hope to be able to cover the random and interesting things that I come across in my day. While I don’t expect to keep politics or religion off the table, I am not looking to start a politico blog or rile up your sensitivities. I hope to share something that might get you to think about your place in the world and how you fit into it. To think about if it is where you want to be and if you too realize some of the same things about our culture and society that I notice. I’ve got challenges and achievements, I’ve got hopes and failures, and I’ve got a good sense of humor and a strong desire to learn humility. With those things and this keyboard, maybe something worth both our time will come forward. I’m changing my blog to “A Stone’s Throw” since this is my attempt to create something beautiful and perhaps make some ripples in the still pond of our daily grind.
